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Super Satang

Financial Literacy for the Youth


our financial literacy book

About us

For the Youth, by the Youth

Super Satang is a non-profit organisation emphasising financial literacy for the youth. Financial literacy is often neglected in general education, however, it is an essential skill to lead a good life. We hope to equip the youth with key money habits, and saving and investing concepts to help better prepare them for the future.


Online Course

Our online course, specifically designed for the youth, aims to provide a comprehensive and engaging education in the basics of personal finance. From learning about budgeting and saving to investing and good habits, this course covers it all. With real-life scenarios and easy-to-follow lessons, this course makes financial literacy accessible and relevant to the younger generation. Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills needed to secure your financial future. Enroll now to be smart with your money!

Student-Led Workshops!

Our student-led workshops teach fellow students about the fundamentals of financial literacy: spending tactics, investing, and cryptocurrencies, among other important topics. While these terms may seem daunting to young people at first, we ensure all students follow along by providing simple explanations and applied examples.

Mentor Mind Series

We’ve interviewed prominent business people - from Technology Companies to Fashion, our speakers are from diverse background and provide strategies for aspiring entrepreneurs.  Their insights provide keystone knowledge into the world of finance for not only youth, but all ages to enjoy.

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Mentor Mind

Start your financially literate journey with super satang

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© 2030 Super Satang

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